My work begins with the process of gestural and intuitive painting, influenced and dominated by color, and leaving space for the unpredictable forces of nature. The use and control of gravity and dynamics play an important role in my art. I then produce a series of digital images of the surface just created. The use of a large format printer generates the artwork to continue my process of painting and drawing over the surface. The end result is rich in organic geometrical shapes that challenge my knowledge of visual perception.
Leonor Demori was born in Caracas, Venezuela and currently lives in Charlotte, NC. Before moving to Charlotte she lived in Caracas Venezuela and in Washington DC. She received her Bachelor in Fine Arts degree from Winthrop University, SC, in 2009. She also holds a BA in Business and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA).
After several years of a successful career in international finance, Leonor decided to pursue another profession in the arts, converging her passion for both areas. In her studio she has refined her process of photography-based dynamic painting, creating rich organic and geometrical compositions. She has participated in group exhibitions in Charlotte and her work is in permanent collections in the city.